Sometimes you hear 'It started with a fire' and people are talking about a desire deep inside of them for me it was a actual fire read on: Facebook Memories can be a good thing or a bad thing; it depends on how you choose to look at them. On December 6, 2016 (4 years ago today). I had a live changing moment. Here is the post I made to Facebook ‘Please pray for everyone in my household we had a fire today. Everyone is OK thankfully’ My then landlady and I were fine but because of the fire we were temporarily homeless, the power and gas were turned off in the house because of the fire and my tiny bachelor apartment was devastated almost all of my personal belongings were laying in a heap in the backyard.
We went to stay with a mutual friend Kathy. I made daily trips on my bike back to the house to check the mail and ultimately check on progress of where the restoration company was with the restoration and repair of the house.
I didn’t realize it then but some major changes were about to take place in my life. Even though I don’t like change. I didn't recognize it at the time but the relationship between that land lady and myself was toxic and abusive and so much of my life revolved around her needs both physical and emotional. I adjusted all my appointments, If I ended up with a medical appointment, quit smoking group appointment, or was away on a ride too long I was made to feel guilty. So much of our time revolved around tv shows and watching them in the afternoon.
Through staying at Kathys she encouraged me to join Breathe Easy, a stop smoking group put on by Good Shepherds Steps to Health Program. And she saw some of the things that were going on between myself and my landlady before I did and encouraged me to move forward. I remember the day I had been cigarette free for about a month and stopped in to see the landlady she was back in the house, soon as I left all I could think about was having a cigarette. I did cave that day and journelled it, and made a realization then and there I could not go back. I talked to Kathy, another friend and my dad about not going back and they were all supportive.
Just after the fire my Dad suggested I look into local cycling groups. This was where I first discovered Cycle Hamilton. I became a member and bought a T-Shirt as a reward for being 1 month smoke free. I participated in my first group ride out to Dundas and back, became more active on Twitter as ‘SharpieGuy’ well because I was always chewing on a Sharpie instead of smoking a cigarette (whatever it took not to smoke).
In the last four years I had so many firsts (Or firsts as a non-smoker) First time going to Festival of Friends to watch a band, first act of civic activism (lining Queen Street in winter) first time going to a restaurant without standing out in the cold or the rain for a cigarette, first group ride, first hockey game where I sat through the entire game, sitting through root canal without feeling out of breath or that I needed to cough. The health benefits have been pretty great as well, better blood pressure, better sleep, lower cholesterol and finally lower A1C. My first time actively taking part in an election, through the Cycle Hamilton's Municipal Election Ward Rides. My first 50 Km day\ride with James from Whitby when he rode through Hamilton to Coney Island, My first Gregs Ride which was also my second 50 Km in the saddle day.
It also led to a couple of awesome years with the Everyone Rides Initiative and being on the Hamilton Bike Share Board of Directors. And now being a Board Member of Cycle Hamilton
and to think it all started with a fire.